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New England Dutch

in Towanda, PA
- Also serving Sayre, Wyaulsing, Athens, Troy, Canton, Monroeton, Wysox, Burlington, Ulster, Rome, New Albany, Ridgebury, Tunhannock, Meshoppen, Dushore, Nichols Ny, Montrose, Vestal New York, Clarks Summit ,Wellsboro, Mansfield
Base Price: 


New England Package
10' Shingle Over Vent
18" Wood Cupola
Weather Vane Horse/Buggy
Arch Top Vents
Transom Window/ Dbl.Door
Total Price: 
Rent To Own: 
$334.14 per mo*
*NO credit check required. 39-Month program.
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.

The New England Dutch is the perfect blend of classic charm and modern utility featuring a distinctive gambrel roof, cupola, and a beautiful horse and buggy weather vane. The New England Dutch is great for your ideal get away shed as well as storage shed to declutter your house. The space this New England offers is great!

Index #: WLS 1186
White Trim
Charcoal Roof